05 maio 2024

Exemplos de textos com modal verb Would like

Texto 1

Cliente: Good evening! Table for two, please.

Hostess: Of course, right this way. Here are your menus. Can I get you something to drink while you look over the menu?

Cliente: Yes, please. I would like a glass of white wine, please.

Hostess: Certainly, would you like to see our wine list, or would you prefer a recommendation?

Cliente: I'll take a look at the list, thank you.

(Hostess brings the wine list)

Hostess: Here you go. Our house white is quite popular, but we also have a lovely Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand if you're interested.

Cliente: I'll go with the Sauvignon Blanc, please.

Hostess: Excellent choice. And for you, sir?

Cliente: I'll have a sparkling water with lemon, please.

Hostess: Of course. I'll bring those right out for you. Are you ready to order food, or do you need more time?

Cliente: Actually, could we have a few more minutes to decide, please?

Hostess: Of course, take your time. I'll be back shortly to take your order.

(Hostess brings the drinks)

Hostess: Here are your drinks. Do you need more time with the menu?

Cliente: No, we're ready to order now.

(They proceed to place their orders)

Hostess: Perfect, I'll get that started for you right away. Enjoy your drinks!

Cliente: Thank you.

Texto 2

Diálogo- Would like

Michael : Hi there! Can I help you find anything?

Richard: Yes, actually. I would like to inquire about your selection of laptops.

Michael: Certainly! What specifications are you looking for?

Richard: I would like something lightweight with a decent battery life, preferably with at least 8GB of RAM.

Michael: We have a few options that might fit your criteria. Would you like to take a look at them?

Richard: Yes, please. Also, I would like to know if you offer any extended warranty options.

Michael: Absolutely. Let me show you our available laptops, and then we can discuss the warranty options. Follow me, please


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